
Microchipping Near You from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Veterinary Clinic

Microchipping is a simple, safe, and effective way to ensure that your pet can be identified and returned to you if they ever get lost. A microchip is a small device, about the size of a grain of rice, that is implanted just under your pet's skin, typically between the shoulder blades. Each microchip carries a unique identification number that can be read by a scanner, helping veterinary clinics, animal shelters, and pet clinics near you quickly identify your pet and contact you. For more information, contact us at Brookwood Veterinary Clinic in Raleigh, NC.


How Does Microchipping Work?

When your pet is microchipped, their unique identification number is registered in a national pet recovery database. This database includes your contact information and details about your pet. If your pet is found and taken to a veterinary clinic or shelter, staff can use a special scanner to read the microchip's identification number and retrieve your contact information from the database. This process significantly increases the chances of a quick reunion with your pet.

Is Microchipping Safe for My Pet?

Yes, microchipping is a very safe procedure. The chip is made from biocompatible materials, meaning it is unlikely to cause any adverse reactions. The process of implanting the microchip is quick and similar to a routine vaccination. Most pets experience little to no discomfort, and once the microchip is in place, it requires no maintenance or replacement. The benefits of microchipping in ensuring your pet's safety far outweigh any minor discomfort from the procedure.

Why Is Microchipping Important?

Pets can easily become lost, whether they accidentally slip out of your home or get separated during a trip. While collars and tags are useful, they can sometimes fall off or become unreadable. Microchipping provides a permanent, reliable form of identification that cannot be lost or altered. In Raleigh, NC, where the community is active and pets often accompany their owners on outdoor adventures, microchipping is a crucial step in responsible pet ownership.

When Should You Microchip Your Pet?

It is recommended to microchip your pet as early as possible, typically during their first visit to the veterinarian. Many pet owners choose to have the microchip implanted during a routine check-up or when their pet is being spayed or neutered. If your pet is not yet microchipped, it’s never too late to take this important step in ensuring their safety. Contact a veterinary clinic near you to discuss microchipping and its benefits.

How to Update Your Contact Information

One of the most critical aspects of microchipping is keeping your contact information up to date. If you move or change phone numbers, be sure to update your details in the pet recovery database. This ensures that you can be quickly contacted if your pet is found. Your veterinarian can assist you in making these updates if needed.

Get Microchipping Near You from a Veterinarian Near You from Our Pet Clinic Near You

If you are in Raleigh, NC, and want to ensure your pet's safety, contact Brookwood Veterinary Clinic for microchipping services. Our experienced veterinary team can provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your pet has a permanent form of identification. Schedule an appointment today to get started with microchipping and other essential veterinary care. Call us at (919) 779-2940 for microchipping near you from a veterinarian near you from our pet clinic near you.

2810 Brookwood Dr.
Raleigh,NC 27603